Modern day education system emphasize on the overall development of the learner, keeping pace with the changed system, our school has introduced CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) pattern of Evaluation for classes I to X under guide lines of CBSE. The changed system will provide holistic profile of the learner through regular Assessment of scholastic and co-scholastic domains of development in a stress free environment. Details for the same are summarized below :
Class I - V
- The Academic session is divided into series of three evaluation tests in the form of continuous evaluation.
- The performance of child will be assessed as the basis of all the three evaluation test.
- The learners grading will be on their scholastic and co-scholastic performance.
- Promotion to the next class will be based on the observation of continuous evaluation throughout the year.
- Five pt rating scale will be used. The grades will stand for the following distribution of marks
A+ | Outstanding | 90% - 100% |
A | Excellent | 75% - 89% |
B | Very Good | 56% - 74% |
C | Good | 40% - 55% |
O | Scope for improvement | Below 40% |
Class VI to X Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE) refers to a system of school based evaluation of students that covers all the aspects of students development.
The Academic year will have 2 terms
I Term - April to September 2011
II Term - October to March 2011
Further more each term will comprise of two formative and one summative examination.
Term I - FA 1 + FA 2 + SA 1
Term II - FA 3 + FA 4 + SA 2
Final Assessment -
FA 1 + FA 2 + FA 3 + FA 4
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40%
SA 1 + SA 2
20 + 40 = 60%
Total - 40 + 60 = 100%
The assessment will be indicated in Grades as shown below. This system will assess students on the basis of Work experience, Art education, Physical and health education, Life skills, Attitude towards teachers, peer group, school, value system, creative & scientific skills.
Promotion to next class will be based on the observation of Continuous Evaluation throughout the year.

Class XI
The academic year will have monthly evaluation tests, mid term and final term. Attendance in all examination are compulsory.
Class XII
The academic year will have monthly evaluation tests, mid term and Pre-board I and Pre-board II. Attendance in all examination including Pre-boards is compulsory.
Motivation is the best way to simulate the young minds. A series of Annual Awards are being introduced to motivate and encourage our students:
- Junior Genius: An award for all the students of classes 1-V obtaining a minimum of A1+grade in all the five main subject.
- Scholar Badges:
Class | Marks Obtained |
VI to VIII | A2 in the two main languages. A1 in other main subjects A1 in over all percentage |
IX | A2 in the two main languages. A1 in other main subject A1 in over all percentage |
X | A2 in the two main languages. A1 in other main subject A1 in over all percentage |
XI Sci, Comm. & Humanities | A1 in the two main languages. A2 in other main subject A1 in over all percentage |
XII Sci., Comm. & Humanities | A1 in the two main languages. A2 in other main subject A1 in over all percentage |
- Scholar Gown Winners: An appreciation for the student sequring a scholar badge for three consecutive years.
- Scholar's Gold Award: An appreciation for the student securing a scholar badge for seven consecutive years.
- Scholar Diamond Award An appreciation for the student securing a scholar badge for seven consecutive years.
- Student of the year (Principal's Award): A very special award for the student showing an overall outstanding performance over the year.
- Pride of MAPS (Chairman's Award): An exceptional award of recognition for the student securing highest percentage in class XII.
- Appreciation Certificate: Students showing an improvement of at least 10% in the overall aggregate as compared to the previous year will receive a token of appreciation.
- Regular Mapians: An award to. the students present in school on all working day throughout the academic session. It signifies good health ,proper initiative and positive attitude of the students which will be well recognized.
Dear Parent
To give recognition to the talents hidden in our young stars & further gear up their motivational level for excellence in different areas. For your reference, the school is sending you the list of the certificates & the areas for which they will be awarded.
We hope, you will appreciate the gesture taken & co-operate to bring out the best, our children are capable of Parameters for the certificates for the excellence in various areas.
Name of the certificate Areas
Participation Excellent performance in any of the I/C activities. (I-III) (first three position holder)
Most Improved Academics, Behaviour, Attendance (III-V) (end of the session)
Good Attendance In 3 cycles yearly (I-III)
Good Writer Poems, Slogan, Story writing, NIE Articles, Creative Work ( III-VIII) (once in a year)
Most Responsible Student Academics, Class Discipline, Surrounding, Regular Copies, Maintenance of books (I-V) (end of the session)
Best All Rounder Sports, Writer, and Academics at the end of the year (I-V)
Super Scientist Participation on model, Class Activities, Innovative (VI-VIII) (end of the session)
Awesome Artist Participation in Drawing Competitions, Drama ( Pre School –VIII) (end of the session /outstanding achievements in out school competition)
Most Helpful Student VI-VIII (Ultra help) (in three cycles)
Awesome Volunteer House Duty, Function Duty Assembly Duty (VI-VIII) (end of the year)
Most Supportive Parent I from each class, Activity Based (I-VIII) (end of the year)
Hats Off Highest % 1 out of all (Pre School-XII)
Student of the Month Attendance, Class Discipline, Academics Performance
Appreciations Display Board, Class Cleanliness, Morning Assembly (I-V) (once in a month)
Best Student of the Month II- IXI
Perfect Attendance Full Attendance (at the end of the session)
Singing Superstar Singing in Interhouse/ Interclass, Outside Competitions (I- VIII) 3 cycles